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How far along do I need to be to confirm pregnancy and see if there is a heartbeat?Our ultrasound machine is the absolute best and highest technology available in the market, the Ferrari of ultrasound machines. With that said, we can detect and measure a baby’s heartbeat and confirm pregnancy as early as 6 weeks along.
How far along do I need to be to find out the gender of my baby?If you are choosing our Sneak Peek DNA Gender Test package, then baby needs to be at least 6 weeks along. However, if you are choosing to find out the gender through our Ultrasound sessions, we can determine gender as early as 13 weeks along.
What happens if I come and you can’t tell the gender yet?If we are not able to tell the gender, despite our different strategies, patience and love, then you will get to come back once again completely for free at the same package you originally paid for. No blackout dates or times, and usually waiting one to two weeks will be enough time so you can return and we can determine the gender.
What is the BEST time to come see my baby in 3D/4D or HD?Every baby is different, and every mom carries baby differently. While on average most moms come 2 to 3 times during their pregnancy, if you were to come just one time for the absolute best photos of baby, then anytime between 25 to 37 weeks is the perfect window. Baby will be developed enough to see those beautiful chunky cheeks, yet still has enough room left for us to be able to take beautiful photos.
What happens if I come and my baby is not cooperating so we can’t see my baby’s face?If we are not able to get baby to show, despite our different strategies, patience and love, then you will get to come back once again completely for free at the same package you originally paid for. No blackout dates or times, you can use that free visit whenever you want.
Do I need to come to the appointment with a full bladder?We do ask that you stay very hydrated and drink lots of fluids leading up to the appointment. The more you drink, the more fluid baby has, therefore the better and more clear the photos will be. However there is no need to have a full bladder at the time of the appointment.
How should I prepare for the appointment/ what should I bring?You should stay very hydrated. The more fluids you drink starting about a week before the appointment, then the more clear the photos will be.You should come with a full stomach, too! Bring a snack or candy just in case we need baby to move!
Do you take insurance?Unfortunately, insurances do not cover elective keepsake ultrasound services. We are only self-paid and we do take cash and any credit/debit card.
Are you open on weekends?Unfortunately we are not open on the weekends, however we can book an appointment as early as 9:30 am and as late as 5 or 5:30pm depending on the package you choose. We are also open late till 9pm on the second and last Friday of every month! Those Fridays book out really fast, so be sure to reserve your spot by booking an appointment right here on our website.
How far out should I book my appointment?It is really up to you, if you have a certain date and time that you are wanting to schedule it for, then we recommend to do it as early as possible to secure your preferred spot. We tend to get completely booked about a week ahead. You can book directly from our website, where you’ll be able to see the dates and times available and pick what works best for you!
Can I bring my spouse/family with me to the appointment?Yes! You can bring up to 10 other people along with you, as long as no one has had any symptoms of Covid-19 within the last 2 weeks.
What are your Covid-19 cleaning protocols?We follow CDC protocols. We clean thoroughly and sanitize our room daily and after every mom. Keeping you, baby and your family safe is our priority.
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