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Utrasound Packages

Reclaim Your Pre-Pregnancy Body with Revolutionary EMS Technology!

Hey there, new mama! Ready to rock that post-baby bod and feel amazing this spring and summer? We get it – being a mom is a wild ride, and those physical changes that come with it can be a real challenge. But guess what? We've got just the thing to help you feel like your best self again.


Introducing our EMS Therapy for post-pregnancy tummy troubles and beyond. Say goodbye to the 'mom pouch' and hello to toned, sculpted muscles. It's time to reclaim your pre-baby body and strut your stuff with confidence. Let's make this your best season yet – book your session now!


What is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis Recti is a pretty common thing that happens during pregnancy. It's when your belly muscles decide to take a little break and separate as your baby grows. Blame it on your expanding uterus – it's making room for that little bundle of joy! But hey, while it's doing its thing, it can leave you with what's affectionately known as the "mom pouch" or that belly bulge that just won't quit.


Now, besides the obvious cosmetic concerns (who wants to deal with a pouch?), this separation can mess with your core strength. Think slouchy posture, backaches, and feeling like your midsection is about as sturdy as a wet noodle. Not exactly the post-pregnancy vibe you're going for, right? So, tackling diastasis recti isn't just about looking good; it's about feeling strong, confident, and ready to tackle mom life head-on.

Benefits of EMS Therapy for Diastasis Recti and Post-Pregnancy Tummy:

Our Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Therapy Body Sculpting is specifically designed to target and address the challenges faced by new moms, including diastasis recti and post-pregnancy tummy concerns. Here's how our therapy can benefit you:​​

  • Tones and sculpts muscles: Say goodbye to the post-pregnancy flab and hello to defined, toned muscles.

  • Burns fat: Shed those stubborn pregnancy pounds and reveal a slimmer, more confident you.

  • Aids in weight loss: Achieve your fitness goals faster with the help of targeted fat reduction.

  • Addresses diastasis recti: Combat the "mom pouch" by strengthening and tightening your abdominal muscles.

  • Enhances postpartum recovery: Speed up your body's recovery process and bounce back quicker after childbirth - with no down-time!

  • Promotes overall well-being: Boost your confidence and feel great inside and out as you embark on your journey into motherhood.

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EMS Therapy Packages

At Growing Love Ultrasound, we believe in transparency and convenience. That's why we're upfront about our pricing, allowing you to choose the option that best suits your needs!



  • Single Session: $299

  • 4 Session Package: $1000 (Only $250 per session)

  • Enjoy a 10% discount on consecutive packages and maintenance sessions

Don't wait to reclaim your pre-pregnancy body. Take the first step towards a stronger, more confident you today. Book your EMS Therapy Body Sculpting session now and embark on a transformative journey with us.

EMS Therapy FAQs

Disclaimer: Results may vary. Please consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any new treatment regimen, especially during pregnancy or postpartum.

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